Monday, 20 July 2009

Peru: 7.5 Years for Fujimori

"I only accept the deeds; I accept neither the legal responsibility, nor the punishment nor the civil reparations." (IPS)
A classic quote, isn't it?

Alberto Fujimori has just been sentenced to another seven and a half years in jail for paying his former spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos $15m from state funds - a sum which he claimed was to prevent the latter mounting a coup. He admitted the act from the start of the trial, but denied its criminality. The court disagreed, and after a brief trial he has been convicted again. He is already serving 25 years for human rights abuses.

Condenan a Fujimori a 7 años y seis meses de prision por pago de US$15 millones a Montesinos (El Comercio)

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