Sunday 12 June 2011

Colombia: Victims' Law

Colombia has enacted a law which will grant reparations to victims of its long-running civil conflict.

“Our country is not condemned to 100 years of solitude,” said president Juan Manuel Santos.
Colombia signs landmark "Victims Law" to redress victims of internal conflict (Mercopress)

The law has received widespread praise, including from UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon, who, however, points out that, "The proper and timely implementation of this law will determine whether expectations raised are met."
UN's Ban Ki-moon commends Victims' Law (Colombia Reports)

The BBC points out that implementing the law will be a huge challenge in a country with over three million internally displaced people, and where violence continues.
Law for victims passed by Senate (BBC)

Colombian Liberal Party lawmaker Guillermo Rivera says "this is only the beginning and there is still much to be done."
Land and Victims Law Crucial for Millions of Displaced Farmers in Colombia (IPS)

Human rights activist Marco Romero discusses some of the shortcomings and challenges of the law:
"Full Reparations Must Be Guaranteed" for Displaced Victims in Colombia (IPS)

Everybody is right not to get carried away; Colombia is still a country beset with problems. But this is a positive step.

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