Friday 15 July 2011

Argentina: Verdict in Vesubio Case

As promised in my post on Elisabeth Kaesemann, the verdict is in in the El Vesubio case. Although the camp commander died during the trial, two other former officers, Hector Gamen and Hugo Pascarelli, were sentenced to life imprisonment. Five former prison guards also got custodial sentences.

Sebastian Soler's son, now 41, clearly remembers the day his father and mother were kidnapped.

"A group of men entered the house breaking windows and doors," he said.

"They dragged my mother out to the street by the hair. They left me and my two siblings, ages four and six, with a neighbour and the next day she took us to our grandmother. We never knew anything more about my parents."

Argentina dictatorship officers get life in prison (Telegraph)

Life sentences given in Argentine torture trial (AP)

Vesubio: perpetua para dos militares (La Nacion)

El general y el coronel, de la casa a la cárcel

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