Tuesday 17 January 2012

Argentina: A look ahead to trials in 2012

A belated happy new year to all readers!

Pagina/12 reports that 11 oral trials for crimes against humanity have been confirmed in Argentina for the first half of this year.

  • Mar del Plata: starting 9 February. On trial: former military men Julio Alberto Tommasi, Roque Italo Pappalardo, José Luis Ojeda and civilians Emilio Felipe Méndez and Julio Manuel Méndez. Accused of: illegal deprivation of liberty, torture and murder of Carlos Alberto Moreno.
  • Córdoba: starting 14 February. On trial: former police officers Pedro Nolasco Bustos, Jorge Vicente Worona and José Filiberto Olivieri. Accused of: shooting of three members of the Peronist Youth (Juventud Peronista) Ana María Villanueva, Jorge Manuel Diez y Juan Carlos Delfín Oliva.
  • Córdoba II: starting 12 June. On trial: Luciano Benjamín Menéndez (again). Accused of: crimes committed in the clandestine detention centre La Perla between 1975 and 1978. This trial combines eight cases with the possibility of adding a ninth.
  • Rosario: starting 27 February. On trial: Manuel Fernando Saint Amant, Antonio Federico Bossie and ex comisario Jorge Muñoz. Accused of: the massacre of "Juan B. Justo", 19 November 1976, in which five people died.
  • Neuquén: starting 7 March. The second part of the trial known as "Escuelita II". On trial: 25 members of the security and intelligence forces. Accused of: crimes against humanity against 39 people.
  • Tucumán: starting 15 March. On trial: Jorge Rafael Videla, Luciano Benjamín Menéndez, Jorge Eduardo Gorleri, Héctor Hugo Lorenzo Chilo, Alberto Carlos Lucena and Jorge González Navarro. Accused of: involvement in the death of ERP activist Osvaldo De Benedetti in 1978.
  • La Rioja: starting 15 March. On trial: Luis Fernando Estrella, Luciano Benjamín Menéndez and Domingo Benito Vera. Accused of: murder of priests Carlos Murias and Gabriel Longuevillepero, known as the "the martyrs of Chamical".
  • Paraná: starting 21 March. On trial: former interior minister general Albano Harguindeguy and others. Accused of: 28 counts of abduction, torture and forced disappearance.
  • Santa Fe: starting 22 March. On trial: ex-police officer Juan José Luis Gil. Accused of: threats and coertion of legal officials, victims and plaintiffs in a human rights trial.
  • Trelew: starting 10 April. On trial: Jorge Enrique Bautista, Emilio Jorge Del Real, Carlos Amadeo Marandino, Horacio Alberto Mayorga, Rubén Norberto Paccagnini and Luis Emilio Sosa. Accused of: the 1972 Massacre of Trelew, torture of aggravated homicide of 19 victims.
  • Capital: starting 16 April in the city of Buenos Aires. On trial: Santiago Godoy and Alfredo Omar Feito. Accused of: crimes against 181 victims in the clandestine detention centres of Atlético, Banco and Olimp
Los once juicios que empiezan en 2012 (Pagina/12)

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