Friday 10 February 2012

Peru: "Artemio" wounded in capture attempt

There are reports that the top Shining Path leader known as "Artemio" (who was interviewed at the end of last year by IDL-Reporteros) has been wounded in a capture attempt. The facts seem uncertain but military sources suggest that he has escaped after an incident possibly coordinated by members of his own forces and Peru's anti-drugs police.

Shining Path leader Artemio 'wounded during capture attempt' (Guardian)
‘Artemio’ herido en enfrentamiento (IDL-Reporteros)

Peruvian daily El Comercio is quoting an "expert in matters of drug-trafficking", Jaime Antezana, as saying that Artemio - real name Florindo Eleuterio Flores Hala - has been severely wounded with two bullet wounds to the chest and that attempts have been made to admit him to hospital in Tarapoto. I don't think we can yet regard this information as confirmed. Antezana also states that the death of Artemio would be a fatal blow to the remnants of Sendero Luminoso in the Upper Huallaga area since there is no intellectual successor to him lined up.

‘Artemio’ estarĂ­a gravemente herido de dos balazos en el pecho
(El Comercio)

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