Tuesday 6 March 2012

Argentina announces Malvinas museum

Argentine president Cristina Kirchner has announced plans for a museum about the Falklands/Malvinas war, to be based in the Museo de la Memoria on the former ESMA site. Members of the Madres, Abuelas, Malvinas veterans and family members were present for the announcement. The president also stressed Argentina's "great commitment to peace".

The plans for a new museum of course fits in with the 30th anniversary of the war which has focused attention on it recently. The issue is also quite appropriate for the ESMA; I'd just like to see more consideration of the war in its dictatorship context, which generally seems to get lost.

“Un compromiso por la paz”
Argentina to open Falklands museum, says Fernandez (BBC)
Argentina to open museum dedicated to Falklands (AP)
Argentina announces a museum for the ARA Belgrano marines killed during the Falklands conflict (Mercopress)

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