Thursday 17 May 2012

Argentina: New human rights secretary

Juan Martín Fresneda has been appointed the new Argentine Secretary of Human Rights, taking over from Eduardo Luis Duhalde,  who recently died.

Fresneda is just 36, a lawyer and a child of the disappeared. His parents were abducted in 1977 during the so-called Night of the Ties (Noche de la corbatas), during which the regime went after a group of lawyers who had themselves been investigating forced disappearances. Fresneda is a founding member of HIJOS, the organisation of children of the disappeared. These factors are bound to make him a popular choice for the post among Argentina's human rights community.

You can read more about La noche de las corbatas (in Spanish) here and here

Juan Martín Fresneda appointed Human Rights Secretary (Telam)
La agrupación H.I.J.O.S. de Córdoba expresó su satisfacción por la designación de Fresneda (Telam)

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