Tuesday 1 May 2012

Paraguay: New memory museum

A ceremony was held on Friday in Abraham Cué, a police station in San Juan Bautista, Paraguay, which functioned as a detention/torture centre in 1976. The timing was arranged for the 36th anniversary of the "Pascua Dolorosa" (Painful Easter), a wave of repression which occurred in Paraguay in April 1976.

Abraham Cué was declared the second memory museum in the country in an event attended by representatives of the interior ministry and victims' relatives, among others. However, none of the news articles I've read give details of the contents of the museum or when it is due to open (or if, indeed, it is already open).

h/t Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana

Paraguay: convierten ex centro de tortura en museo (Terra)
Abraham Cué, como sitio de memoria histórica (ABC Paraguay)

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