Friday 27 July 2012

Argentina: News Round-up

San Francisco is considering naming some of its streets after disappeared citizens.
San Francisco, Córdoba: quieren que calles de la ciudad lleven nombres de vecinos desaparecidos (Telam)

President of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, has received threatening phone calls which she believes were connected with Sergio Schoklender, who was recently released from jail. Certainly not the first time the Mothers have faced threats, but of course this time the suggestion is that they originate from a former associate.
Las amenazas contra Hebe (Pagina/12)

A large march has taken place in Jujuy to commemorate the Noche del Apagón, as it does every year, but this year is particularly focused on the trial of Carlos Pedro Blaquier.
Con todas las miradas sobre Blaquier (Pagina/12)

Almost three decades after the end of the “Dirty War” in Argentina, prosecutors have begun to hold speedy trials before those accused of human rights violations pass away.

Read more here:
Argentina speeds up trials of leaders of ‘Dirty War’ (Miami Herald)

Love her or loathe her, Argentina's most famous woman is still remembered 60 years on and will soon be the face of the 100 peso bill.
Evita Peron remembered 60 years after her death (AP)
Evita Peron 100 Pesos bill to commemorate 60th anniversary of her death (Mercopress)

Read more here:

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