Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Peru: Pardon for Fujimori?

The issue of a possible pardon for Alberto Fujimori on humanitarian grounds has been swirling around for ages but really seems to have come to a head in the past week. Otto stuck his neck out last Friday and predicted that it would happen, and unfortunately there's not much reason to disbelieve him so far.

Fujimori apparently has cancerous lesions on his tongue - he's had them for years and been operated on several times, they don't seem to be able to completely get rid of them. Now, while this does not sound pleasant, it hardly puts him at death's door either. Apparently he does not need radiotherapy or chemotherapy. So, given the severity of his crimes and the short prison term he has served so far, do I think he should be allowed out now? Er, hell no. "Indulto es insulto" - A pardon is an insult [to the victims] has been a trending topic on Twitter lately, and it's very true.

Fujimori’s Family To File a Request for Presidential Pardon (Peruvian Times)
Fujimori’s Pardon Request to be Filed After Summit (Peruvian Times)
Alberto Fujimori pedirá indulto por razones humanitarias (Correo)
Peru: Politicians react to possible Fujimori pardon (Peru this Week)
Fujimori's Family to Seek Pardon (Wall Street Journal)

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