Saturday 27 October 2012


Brazilian Military Official To be Tried for Abuses Despite Amnesty Law (The Pan-American Post)
Indigenen-Genozid während der Diktatur (Blickpunkt Lateinamerika)
Brazil comes to terms with its slave trading past (Guardian)

"The Chilean state is saying that my father can go and vote," said Lorena Pizarro, Waldo's daughter.
"And I'm asking in reply, 'Where is my father?'"
Chile's not the only country with this issue.
Chile's military rule 'disappeared' on electoral roll (BBC)

"He lives in relative comfort in a suite of rooms at a police special forces base on Lima's eastern edge where guests come and go at his pleasure."
Photos boost Fujimori pardon campaign (AP)
Pasado que no pasa: Memoria Asháninka / Imágenes y Testimonios (Peru foto)
Fujimori Painting Raises Eyebrows, Irks Critics (Peruvian Times)

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