Saturday 10 November 2012

Brazil: Truth commission round-up

This week it was reported that Brazil's Truth Commission will look into the role of the church in the dictatorship.
"The activities of the clergy who opposed the dictatorship as well as the actions of religious groups that backed the regime will be analyzed," said commission member Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, who will head the investigation.
Seems like a no-brainer to me, although I'm sure there are those who would disagree.

Brazil's Truth Commission to investigate church (AP)
Churches Under Truth Commission Investigation (Transitional Justice in Brazil)

Meanwhile, the TC is coming in for criticism from various quarters.

Writing for the Christian Science Monitor, WOLA's Joe Bateman argues that while Brazil may be approaching a "tipping point" of accountability, it is too early to say it has left impunity behind.

Brazil’s Truth Commission Under Fire from Military and Torture Victims (The World)
Brazil laying down the law (Christian Science Monitor)
In the News... (Transition Justice in Brazil)

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