Saturday 3 November 2012

Paraguay: Protests over Stroessner's remains

Today is the centenary of the birth of Alfredo Stroessner, dictator of Paraguay between 1984 and 1989. He died in 2006 in Brazil and is buried there. Now his family wants to repatriate his remains so that, in the words of his grandson, also called Alfredo and a senator, "soon the whole Stroessner family will be together in Paraguay".

The plan has triggered protests from victims and human rights movements.

The family originally wanted the repatriation to coincide with the anniversary, that obviously hasn't happenend, and it's unclear exactly when or if it will go ahead.

Row over Paraguay dictator Alfredo Stroessner's remains (BBC)
Ex presos políticos paraguayos repudian repatriación de restos de exdictador (AFP)

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