Wednesday 5 December 2012

Argentina: Stories of found grandchildren

TV Pública de Argentina has produced a series of mini-documentaries of the stories of the disappeared grandchildren found by the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, and they're available on Youtube. These are a really great way of hearing from the (adult) children themselves - in Spanish only, of course. There are lots, but here are just a few:

This is Guillermo Rodolfo Fernando Pérez Roisinblit, grandson of the Abuelas' vice-president Rosa Roisinblit.

This is Victoria Montenegro, who I wrote about here.

This is Victoria Donda, now a congresswoman and probably the best-known found grandchild.

There are clips of the Grandmothers as well; just search on Youtube for "Nietos, historias con identidad".

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