Sunday 30 December 2012

News round-up: While I was off holidaying

Life sentence for Argentine civilian minister who worked with the military dictatorship (Mercopress)
Timerman meets with Jewish community to report on talks with Iran (Mercopress)
A Year of Progress in Argentina’s Human Rights Trials (IPS)
Surprise Visits to Prisons in Argentina to Prevent Torture (IPS)

"If I may be very frank and rather rude, you had to keep the ball in the air with the Argentines. That was the object. We did not have any cards in our hands."
Britain's approach on the Falklands: neglect and hope for the best (Guardian)
Falklands invasion 'surprised' Thatcher (BBC)

Indigenous Chileans Still Fighting Pinochet-Era Highway Project (IPS)
Chile journalist denounces military rule research theft (BBC)
Thieves steal laptop of Chilean journalist investigating secret services during Pinochet dictatorship (Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas)
More cases come to light of journalists intimidated for investigating the military dictatorship in Chile (Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas)

Peru Puts Shining Path Leader on Trial (The Pan-American Post)

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