Sunday 17 February 2013

Uruguay: Controversy over judge transfer

The transfer of a judge from the criminal to civil sphere has provoked protests in Uruguay, including public demonstrations outside the Supreme Court on Friday.

Mariana Mota has been involved with numerous human rights cases and, in 2010, sentenced former dictator Bordaberry to jail for his role in the 1973 coup. An official reason for her transfer has not been given, but the assumption seems to be that she is perceived as supporting the human rights movement too much - certainly, military circles have welcomed news of her departure. This sounds like a retrograde step for justice in Uruguay.

Numerous academics have signed an open letter opposing the decision. Mota has announced she will appeal against her forced change of role.

Human right activists in Uruguay storm the Supreme Court to protest judge’s transfer (Mercopress)
Informe de todo lo que pasó en la Corte con el traslado de Mota (Subrayado)
Carta abierta de académicos internacionales por DDHH (Diario La Republica, Uruguay)
Jueza Mariana Mota recurrirá decisión de su traslado a lo civil (Subrayado)

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