Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Another Grandchild Found

Pagina/12 is reporting that the identity of another child of disappeared parents has been confirmed in Argentina.

In an article headlined 'Cuando una verdad demora treinte años', the newspaper reveals that DNA test results have confirmed that Evelyn Vazquez is the biological daughter of Susana Beatriz Pegoraro and Ruben Santiago Bauer, both of whom were abducted by agents working for the State in 1977 and last seen in Argentina's largest clandestine detention centre, the ESMA. Evelyn was illegally adopted by a couple with ties to the armed forces and brought up in ignorance of her true parentage.

Of course it's always satisfying for the Abuelas (Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo) to find another missing child, but this story in particular is an extremely sad one. The adopted daughter has fought the DNA test by every legal means, and the comparison was eventually made with items seized from her home by the courts. She is quoted as saying that 'I panic at the thought of discovering that they [her putative parents] are not my biological family'. How can guess how she can come to terms with the truth now it has been irrefutably confirmed?

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