Saturday, 8 February 2014

Guatemala: New memory museum opens

A new museum called La Casa de la Memoria Kaji Tulam has opened in Guatemala. Kaji Tulam means "so as not to forget" in the Quiché language, apparently. It deals with the country's history from the arrival of the Spanish, but with a particular emphasis on the civil war of 1960-1996 and its aftermath.

AP notes that there are two other museums dealing with the period in the country already, but they are very small and poorly funded.

The design of this one sounds interesting, with spaces for reflection and visitor response, use of images, furniture, and a wall with names of the disappeared. It also includes military plans, victims' testimonies and information from reports from the Catholic Church and UN.

Museo en Guatemala honra a víctimas de la guerra civil (
Inauguran museo de la memoria (

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