Judge: Why did you steal babies?
Videla: So that they weren't taught subversive ideas.
Judge: What would be a subversive idea?
Videla: Putting people who steal babies on trial.
...the news headlines include a number of stories that reflect the persistence of a past that is everlasting and does not wish to pass... (Jelin, State Repression and the Struggles for Memory, 2003)
This cartoon could actually be from a Spanish paper, where they're talking more and more about this same horrendous crime.
Wanted to share a link on this Pinochet film with you:
I haven't seen the film (looks quite disturbing), but it might be of interest to the readers of MeminLA.
Oh wow, I just watched the first few minutes of that....
In fact I have personally met a young Chilean woman who told me how Pinochet saved the country and the disappeared were all happily living abroad. I didn't really argue at the time because I was in Latin America and well, there's nothing more annoying than a foreigner who claims to know more about your country than you do - but it was pretty shocking.
Thanks for the link!
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