Massera is 83 and claimed to be suffering from dementia. The expert witness said he was exaggerating symptoms and effectively making it up (remind you of Pinochet, anyone?), and is in possession of his faculties.
He was declared "insane" six years ago, according to Clarin, after a stroke, meaning he can't face trial in Argentina for the cases which were open at the time.
I think the chances of Massera being extradited to Italy and standing trial are almost nil, considering his age, the distances and laborious legal systems involved. Nevertheless, even a judgement in absentia (5 other sailors have already been convicted in their absence) would send a strong message.
Un perito italiano dice que Massera simula y puede ser enjuiciado (Clarin)
Massera, en plenas facultades para ser juzgado (Critica)
De la maceta al jardin (Pagina/12)
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